Earn 25000+ per month extra with Vedic Maths

Start A Highly-Rewarding,
Independent Career with Vedic Maths.

Become A Certified Vedic Maths Teacher / Trainer

Hello, my name is Ranvir Mehta. I am a Vedic Mathematics Trainer and I am teaching Vedic Mathematics for the last 8 years. I have taught Vedic Mathematics to more than 15,000 students by offline and online and have given Vedic Mathematics teacher training to more than 100 teachers.

I am conducting a free masterclass for you where I will take you through the journey towards mastering Vedic Maths.

What is Vedic Maths?

Vedic Mathematics is a collection of Techniques/Sutras to solve mathematical problems in easy and faster way.

It consists of 16 Sutras (Formulae) and 13 sub-sutras (Sub Formulae) which can be used for problems involved in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus etc.

Vedic Maths was discovered by Indian mathematician Jagadguru Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji in the period between A.D. 1911 and 1918.

Why should one learn Vedic Maths?

Why should one become a Vedic Maths Teacher Vedic Maths Teacher Vedic Maths Teacher

Love Maths

Eliminate the fear of maths from the hearts of the children once and for all. Make them fall in love with mathematics so that they could score better.

Start a Math Venture

With enough experience, you can start your own venture around maths education. You can consider doing it by yourself or we can help you.

Get an edge

With Vedic Math skills, you can be the most popular teacher of your school and gain admiration from students, parents and as well as your peers for your performance.

Continuous Education

You learn new Vedic Maths methods and techniques to get better in your performance as a teacher.

For a bright future

With Vedic Maths skills, you can avail great job opportunities whether it’s online or offline. Let your skills do the talking

Make a difference

Remember, by taking up this course you contribute towards a better future for your community and the upcoming generation.

What you will learn in this masterclass

Who should Attend this Masterclass

Masterclass Details-

90 Minutes Live Session

Masterclass Charges:
INR 999/- Free of Cost

Day & Time:
SUNDAY; 10AM - 11:30AM

Register for FREE Masterclass

# Only 100 seats are available

Frequently Asked Questions

No, This is LIVE Masterclass.

No, This masterclass will be conducted in Hindi.

No, This masterclass is FREE.

No. Certificate are for course attendees.

Yes, there is! It’s not possible to learn complete Vedic Maths concepts in 90 minutes masterclass. However, we try our best to give as much as value possible in masterclass. If you want to learn further, we have our  pre-recorded course with live support.